19 March, 2014

date (Unix)


To format a date, a parameter string beginning with a plus sign (+) is given. The formatting specifiers below are supported by most implementations.

Format specifiers (format string starts with +)
SpecifierDescriptionValues or example
%aweekday, abbreviatedWed
%Aweekday, fullWednesday
%dday of the month, two digits, zero filled08
%eday of the month8
%jday of year, zero filled001–366
%uday of week from Monday to Sunday1–7
%wday of week from Sunday to Saturday0–6
%Uweek number, Sunday as first day of week00–53
%Wweek number, Monday as first day of week00–53
%VISO standard week of the year01–53
%mtwo-digit month number01–12
%hmonth name, abbreviatedMar
%bmonth name, localised abbreviationMar
%Blocale's full month, variable lengthMarch
%ytwo-digit year00–99
%Yfour-digit year2014
%gtwo-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
%Gfour-digit year corresponding to the %V week number
%Ctwo century digits from year00–99
%xlocale's date representation03/19/2014
%lhour (12 hour)10
%Ihour (12 hour), zero-filled10
%khour (24 hour)10
%Hhour (24 hour), zero-padded10
%plocale's upper case AM or PM (blank in many locales)AM
%Plocale's lower case am or pmam
%Mtwo-digit minute number52
%sseconds since 00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC (Unix epoch)1395226379
%Stwo-digit second number00–60 (Includes 60 to accommodate a leap second)
%rhours, minutes, seconds (12-hour clock)10:52:59 AM
%Rhours, minutes (24 hour clock)10:52
%Thours, minutes, seconds (24-hour clock)10:52:59
%Xlocale's time representation11:07:26 AM
Date and time
%clocale's date and timeSat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989
Time zone
%zRFC-822 style numeric time zone-0500
%Ztime zone name; nothing if no time zone is determinableEST, EDT
literals: %n newline      %% percent      %t horizontal tab
By default, date normally fills numeric fields with zeroes. GNU date, but not BSD date, recognizes a modifier between the per cent sign (%) and the format specifier:
  • hyphen (-): do not fill the field
  • underscore (_): pad the field with spaces
TZ Specifies the time zone, unless overridden by command line parameters. If neither is specified, the setting from /etc/localtime is used.

$ date "+%m/%d/%y" 
$ date "+%Y%m%d"

To assign the time to a variable
 $ START=`date '+%r'`
 $ echo $START
 03:06:02 PM
 $ sleep 5
 $ echo $START
 03:06:02 PM
N.B. the variable has the time when it was assigned.
Yesterday assigned to variable
 $ DATE=$(date -d yesterday +"%Y%m%d")
 $ echo $DATE
The TZ environment variable specifies the time zone. Valid values are in /usr/share/zoneinfo
 $ TZ=GMT; echo "GMT: `date +\"%R (%Z)\"`"
 GMT: 12:30 (GMT)
 $ TZ=Europe/Stockholm; echo "Stockholm: `date +\"%R (%Z)\"`"
 Stockholm: 13:30 (CET)
 $ TZ=Asia/Kuala_Lumpur; echo "Kuala Lumpur: `date +\"%R (%Z)\"`"
 Kuala Lumpur: 20:30 (MYT)
 $ TZ=US/Central; echo "Dallas: `date +\"%R (%Z)\"`"
 Dallas: 07:30 (CDT)
Converting between time zones Example: What time is it in Moscow when it will be 17:35 in Los Angeles
 $ TZ=Europe/Moscow date "+%F %R (%Z%z)" -d 'TZ="America/Los_Angeles" 17:35'
 2013-03-22 04:35 (MSK+0400)
Other valid time strings
GNU dateBSD dateoutput
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d sunday$ date -v +sun +"%Y%m%d"20060709
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d last-sunday$ date -v -sun +"%Y%m%d"20060702
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d last-week$ date -v -1w +"%Y%m%d"20060627
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d last-month$ date -v -1m +"%Y%m%d"20060604
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d last-year$ date -v -1y +"%Y%m%d"20050704
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d next-week$ date -v 1w +"%Y%m%d"20060711
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d next-month$ date -v 1m +"%Y%m%d"20060804
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d next-year$ date -v 1y +"%Y%m%d"20070704
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d "2 days ago"$ date -v -2d +"%Y%m%d"20060702
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d "2 months ago"$ date -v -2m +"%Y%m%d"20060504
$ date +"%Y%m%d" -d "2 years ago"$ date -v -2y +"%Y%m%d"20040704
To show the time in seconds since 1970-01-01 (Unix epoch):
$ date +"%s" -d "Fri Apr 24 13:14:39 CDT 2009"
To convert Unix epoch time (seconds since 1970-01-01) to a human readable format:
$ date -d "UTC 1970-01-01 1240596879 secs"
Fri Apr 24 13:14:39 CDT 2009
$ date -ud @1000000000
Sun Sep  9 01:46:40 UTC 2001

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